A timeline for this project
This looks exactly like something I am going to setup, post to a few times and then completely abandon within a week.
View Article"Why do I need another website service? Oh, because its free."
“Why do I need another website service? Oh, because its free.” - Kedar Deshpande
View ArticleLast post was 6 years ago?! Its time to start this again.
Last post was 6 years ago?! Its time to start this again.
View ArticleBeautiful new identity for Blue Goose organic and natural...
Beautiful new identity for Blue Goose organic and natural foodsLink
View ArticleKeyboard shortcutsSketch is a great alternative to Illustrator...
Keyboard shortcutsSketch is a great alternative to Illustrator and is chock full of features.
View ArticleI’ve used Namecheap as my domain registrar for years now....
I’ve used Namecheap as my domain registrar for years now. Simple, efficient and most importantly, no upsellingIf you want to host your new domain on tumblr, here is the DNS record. Make this update...
View ArticleCustom domains + Tumblr
I’ve used Namecheap as my domain registrar for years now. Simple, efficient and most importantly, no upsellingIf you want to host your new domain on tumblr, here is the DNS record. Make this update...
View ArticleLorem post with long title to see word wrap
Etiam eu tempus ex, a molestie leo. Mauris quis euismod metus, a commodo nisi. Fusce enim ante, eleifend ut sagittis ut, tempus a nibh. Fusce ac luctus augue. Nunc ac turpis elit. In accumsan tellus...
View Articlecompfight.com - simple image search for Flickr
Compfight.com (odd name) provides a simple interface to search and sort Flickr images. Flickr does the same thing but compfight is waaay faster and simplifies the download/attribution part of the process.
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